Friday, March 10, 2017


tense situation
After I watched the movie Logan, picture above was what I had learnt and captured. I very fancy of his body structure and muscles since the day 1 he played as Wolverine, with the white singlet would be better but shirtless will be the best. It needs a lot of suffocates work out to achieve this kind of out come. For my point of view, I like those photos with tense frowning face and wrinkles because they are the design elements to the people's face. My reveal for this movie is good. You have not much characters to focus other than Wolverine face and his muscles. I like the way they say the grace before their dinner, it gives me a very warm feeling. I like Wolverine takes care of the mutant family, it contains so much responsibilities of love. Despite Logan had a lot of resentments and brokennesses inside which caused from the past, he struggles to love and risks to protect. The points that I do not like were too much vulgar word and brutal. I didn't research how and why and what is the story behind this movie. These are all I can share. Eventually let my drawing tell how much I like about Hugh Jackman as Logan.

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