Last night I went to a Christmas Dinner which organised by RYM by SIC, we ate turkey, smash potato, lamb chop, WOW whatever you like, the city night light is the Empire shopping mall, the Santa Rino is our performance of that night, we got some lucky draw as well.
The most climax part is Andrea feat a rapper guy, they sing Indian boys instead of american boy, i was suddenly awake, i dint know they can did it so extremely well, they sang better than singers, i didnt get to record the "indian boy" performance because it caught all my attention until i cant waste a sec to on my hp camera. She sang 4 songs but i only get to record 2 songs. i very appreciate with what she sang, is beyond the awesome.. thanks god i got the opportunity to see this performance, i still cant forget the moment they sing the Indian boys, really 4 thumbs up.
The last part is: we enter a dance room, all of them dance inside that room, so i was there to observe, some of them can dance quite well. i order a bucket of tiger to drink as well, when im leaving, i goodbye to barnet the guitarist & he asked me: did u drink? I said: yeah baby. i drank a lot. Barnet said he gonna stay long over there but after i sent my sister home, I carried a happy hearted to drive back Subang Parade-Chill Out, when im back, what im realized is Barnet has gone home, I was so sad cos the plan was canceled...oh no.... sometimes wanted to get drunk also not an easy things. what i just knew is: Barnet is just a 16 year old boy.