Poland Krakow

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

May The Faith Be With You.

I just went to a retreat 1 month ago. Its a church retreat. I gain a lot of friendship from there, it makes me feel closer with all my church members. The compliments that I had received really makes me want to cry. A young man asked me: Ivan you are a young man, you should be very busy with your own activity, but I glad that u has chosen god. Yeah, what he said was right. I always think that im a very wise man because I have chosen god, when u have god u can leave all your fear or problem to the god, why I need to be so stupid to bare this kind fear & problems alone, I really think its unnecessary. Sometime I really feel very disappointed for those who lost their faith in god, they decided to walk alone, maybe they started to have a good or rich money life, Or maybe something disaster happened to them so they blame on god. Everyone life got up & down, I think that is the climax & most amazing part of our life, I can tell you a life without problem will be very boring. I think from my experience when problem occurs in money, in emotions, in something bad or good, in relationship, I never really think of leaving the church, When I have career or financial problem all I can think its I should keep my holy spirit stronger & ask god for guidance. I remember got 1 time I pray until I cried, I tell god I have already very sick of this kind game, I very sick of stagnant in this same old stage for years, I tell god with that amount of money how can I excel? God please let me be the man u want me to be, please let me be the captain, let me be the leader, I said I would like to handle a bigger game now but without you all my power will be very limited, I said I need a collaboration with you, I need you to carry me when im sick, that's y got no point to leave god because he is the only 1 who's free to rely. Of course when I was in my hard day my family members very supported in me because they very believe in me & I very believe in myself & I believe in god, hard day wont last long. I very glad sometime I can stay very positive, I always ask myself why should I scared if the god is with me, I always remind myself why should I be unhappy if the god is be with me. No matter how hard is my day is just because my demand is too high, if I was born in Iraq I will be more pity, but if those people living in Iraq also can find happiness then u should ask yourself why are you unhappy, isn't because your country got no war? you should ask yourself why they got the wisdom to turn the happy to joy, its something really deep. I remember a mother Teresa story, When they are about to lunch, she finds out they have no food left & a lot of children are waiting for her, she straight say a prayer to god, after few minutes a man came & donate the food for the children, from there u can see the faith in her, she lives with no fear, she didn't even bother to borrow somebody's hand phone to call who or someone who drives Bentley or Benz, She is really a very inspired woman. Sometime I really feel I'm a very talented person, sometime I very scared god will take away the talent from me but im very sure even though I continue to sin or arrogant the god wont take away the talent from me because he will never ask for return, only human will ask for return, with his kindness & passion we should try to do our best. That day we went back from HK due to over bought the wines we are being stopped for investigate, we are a bit panic we were thinking to run away, from that incident I feel that we should look at Jesus, he knows the people will come to crucify him & get him killed, he just waited them to come, he didn't think of anyway to escape, that's the very good example of "face your problem". Let me ask you, you like a man who will stand out to face the problem or a man who is wise in escaping?

Eventually without god we can be very happy but lost, without god im just a alcohol addict, without god I got no one to rely, that's y no matter how lost I am I keep coming back to him. Only god can give u peace Only god can give you something infinity, only god can boost my talent to the max. I will never stop asking for more because he can handle that kind of mega volume. By the way I hope I can collaborate with god till the end of time, I do my best & he do the rest.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


By the way, "Passion" is a very deep word, just like an unsolved mystery. I find over and over from the dictionary but I just don't get the answer that I want, I know many people out there are still very uncertain with this word because it has too many definitions. All I can do is find out the meaning of this word from the people I meet, through my encounters and what I had been told.

Some say passion is love.
Some say passion is a fire.
Some say passion of Christ.
Some say passion is a feeling.
Some say passion is an album of Andrea Bocelli.

If passion is love, why don't we say I passion you?
If passion is a fire, why don't they say the passion burns down the forest?
If it is the passion of Christ, why don't we call church as passion?
If passion is a feeling, then should I say I have the passion for eating this burger?
If passion is an album of Andrea Bocelli, what does he want to express?

There is no right or wrong and I would like to share my point of view here. Few months ago I met up with my best friend, He was stressed out. He said nowadays the younger generation "got no passion for money." Then I said: "Sorry, do you mean by making fast money?" There is no short cut in life. In real life we must contribute our work and service before we get paid. To produce a good work we must have the passion in doing it, just like what they say "love what you do and do what you love." Only a good work can demand for a good pay. It would barely for you to excel if you got no passion in your work, the process would be like just the sake of doing it, without any fun or joy. Passion needs to be practiced day by day. Passion is a fire, we have to keep it burning by adding in the charcoal. If you say your passion is money, it would be like you straight away jump to conclusion and the process/progress is missing? Some people say money can make you happy. Yes it does make us happy but what if one day we are no longer using money, then is it all of our happiness and passion would fall immediately? Sometime why you find that it is very boring with your job, high posibility its because you have no passion for this job. I remembered one man asked me have you ever thought of become a boss one day, I answered him I would like to become a boss in the future, it's part of my dream, but it's not now, I think I'm not mature enough to be a boss right now, I give u some examples: if you don't even know how to be a good employee then how will u know how to be a good boss. 2nd example: If u don't even know how to handle 10 dollar how will you know how to handle 10,000 dollar. I would say if I were a boss now, my money would be abused and money will abuse me when I couldn't handle it. Sometime we need to find a job which we have the passion in doing it, not because the high salary and come home complaining everyday. Sometime we got no choice because of the high expenses commitment therefore we force ourselves to love our job hahaha. My friends are very kind, they kept recommending the jobs for me, I appreciate that a lot. I told them that's not what I wanted to do and they said the pay was good. I'm not a small boy anymore, I really hope I can do the job I love. A job which I really can apply my passion. If you got passion in doing that thing u wouldn't mind repeat it everyday.

Money is very important but Passion plays the important part as well. Money could not last long but passion could last till the end of time. You can use your passion to earn a living if you are wise enough. I told a friend I got a lot of passion in music, honestly I kinda like to talk about music, teach music, listen to music. I like to teach music despite some students do let me scold until they cry. but I still love my job because I got the passion in doing it, Big/small Problems do occur sometime but at least I still got the reason to carry on with this job. Passion drove me to do it even though I only had 1 student last time. If I only thinking of big volume of students my passion would have died at the first place. My imagination: A passion can really burn up a forest if your fire is big enough. A passion can really save the world if u got the passion of Christ. A passion can really stop the world and feel the romance if u got the passion like Andrea Bocelli's voice.

Passion is the thing that you will do it unconditionally, My friends show me what is a passion, they draw everyday without anyone paying them, I saw the passion in Mother Teresa, her passion for serving the poor without benefit. Sometimes it is not easy, even doing the things I like, it gives me so much pressures and challenges. Even I have the passions for writing, drawing, singing and teaching I still feel that it is not good enough. Until I saw this quote by Mother Teresa "not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." It touched and enlighten me. It humbled me as well. The question is not how good you are, its about how much love you dedicate to your service.

Let's sing with the passion of Andrea Bocelli.
Let's draw with the passion of Michaelangelo.
Let's stand the pain with the passion of Christ.
Let's love with the Passion of Mother Teresa.
Let's live your life with passion.