3rd week of Advent is all about rejoice. I went to Sunday mass at 10am. When the Father came in and straight away he wanted us to ask the people which were next to us "what is your rejoice of today?" The woman next to me was so scared to talk and look at me, I didn't know why. Father went around the congregation to ask for answers. The 1st man said: "I feel rejoice because today is my wife's birthday and thanks her for being there for me always." Another man said: "I feel rejoice because my wife is expecting. A small girl said: "I feel rejoice because I can come to church with my family and pray together. The last man said: "I feel rejoice because I can eat Nasi Briyani after the mass." Father replied him with hope you feel rejoice with the mass as well beside the Nasi Briyani. Some people walk to the dark alley that is why it is very hard for them to feel the light of joy, he said. He continued, we have to feel rejoice no matter it is a good time or bad time, some people find joy through sorrows and sadness. I remember Father S.L's sharing "you have to have the wisdom to feel the joy." Eventually try your best to feel the joy in every situation until your Heavenly Father says you are my child of Joy. Amen.