Our Lady Of Mercy |
Central of America // Honda Civic |
Home Sweet Home |
1 Way Ticket To Papa |
Flag In The Air |
Papa On TV |
Cardinal Blase J Cupich |
Hand-Made By My Foster Grandmother |
Papa's Calling From My Left |
Panama was my 2nd JMJ, this was the 1st time in my life that I stayed with a foster family. I found it so hard to call my foster mum(Jasmina) as mum because in my life I have only 1 mum, maybe I was a bit too serious. My foster family was a devoted catholic. Every morning foster mum would prepare some healthy breakfast to keep us full and strong. I spent time to ask and know about her family tree with the family photos she displayed. I also spent an hour sit down and talked to my foster grandma because I did not want her to feel empty and lonely. On the last day I left the house I kissed my foster grandma on her cheek and told her that I have to go, my foster mum face down and shed tears when I got on a Taxi.
Parroquia Perpetuo Socorro was our parish church at Panama. I never knew I could build so much relationships with this church within 9 days. I still remembered the 1st people that I met in that church was Padre Orlando and Deacon Alcibiades, every morning I would greet them good morning before our catechesis started. The 1st Papal mass I was locked outside of the event due to it was over crowded. I was so disappointed and I could not help myself from crying. I walked around that place and came to a grocery shop to buy something, when I walked out of that shop I heard Papa's voice was coming from the left. I turn my head to left and I saw Papa was giving his homily on the big screen, my legs automatically walked to that direction as if the Holy Spirit was drawing me; the spirit was telling me no matter what happens we must remain hopeful and have faint in God. The very next morning I not sure was it holy spirit worked through Padre Orlando, he randomly invited me to lunch with Cardinal Blase Cupich. I felt so happy, maybe God was trying to console me and replace what I had missed yesterday. On the last day I left the Panama parish. I walked to Padre Orlando, I said goodbye while I grasped his hand tight for seconds to express how much I would be missing this place.
Panama is a catholic country. The priests preach on their own national TV channel. I could tell that they were so longing for this JMJ with all the things they prepared with hearts. It was a great joy for all the Panamanian to have this JMJ. I like the way they call Pope as Papa, the word 'Papa' makes me feel so affable. We all have a same Papa and he is Pope Francis, all of us are in a big family because we are the children of Heavenly Father. I asked a taxi driver, how did you feel when you see Papa? It seemed like he was holding back his tears and he replied softly, "It was very touching." Sometimes I was wondering why the people would cry when they saw Pope Francis, Saint JP2 once said tears flow silently through the soul and cleans the heart. I do believe this kind of crying is a kind of healing and consoling. God is working through Pope Francis to give the people love and healing.
Eventually from this JMJ Panama we know that, be not afraid to say yes like Mother Mary to Jesus' mission. The mission starts today not tomorrow. We are the now of God not the future of God. Lets live out the mission of Christ. Amen