Poland Krakow

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Thousand Judges

A tall lady doesn't mean she is fine
A short lady doesn't mean she is ugly
A plum lady doesn't mean she is bad
A sinner doesn't mean he deserved to die
A donator doesn't mean he is kind
I'm stress doesn't mean i forgot to smile
A thousand showers doesn't mean the passed is cleansed
A thick lip doesn't mean she is Jolie
A double O7 doesn't mean he is Brosnan
A high heel shoes doesn't mean she will be loved
A flat shoes doesn't mean she is friendly
A poor woman doesn't mean she wants only diamond
A rich man doesn't mean he is rich in heaven
A poor man doesn't mean he is not blessed
A grey sky doesn't mean we are unhappy
A failure doesn't mean we have given up
A success doesn't mean we have stopped moving
A housewife doesn't mean she is ordinary
A modern woman doesn't mean she is awesome
A humble man doesn't mean he never lose
A ego man doesn't mean he is incurable
eventually a judge doesn't mean we knew other difficulties.


  1. when i m unhappy , i always like to read ur blog....ur creativity make me smile. ur words always remind me to appreciate all the little happiness in our live. remind me to think out of the box. The most important thing is , u remind me that i still hv God to love me.

    1. Thanks & Thanks for the support...

    2. long time no see, how r u ?
      dunno whether u still remember me.
      Last time u ask me to read ur blog.
      We always drink together one.
      But after something changed we didnt meet up anymore. GUESS?

  2. Replies
    1. haha~ laughing with some tears, so touch that u guess it right.
